Tuesday, March 3

March Third

Today was a normal day in the life of Reyna. Allow me to share.

1. After watching Sexfiles till 1:30 this morning, I might have been too scared to brush my teeth/wash my face/take out my contacts. It didn't help that Miss Effhead kept making squeaky noises to remind me of the Indian midget man without legs on his little scooter. I am still a little nervous about him. After all, people don't find their way into other people's bodies on accident. I am never going to India.

2. I will admit to waking up at 6:30 am and thinking that I was late for work. I will not admit to getting up and beginning to get ready until my head cleared.

3. It was nice enough outside that Macy, Garrett, Jody and I had a lovely picnic out in the backyard. I do so love spring.

4. I may or may not have eaten 3 of those peanut butter cookies. Okay, there were at least 5.

5. I did, however, eat one avacado and, realizing that one is never enough, went to the store for 2 more.

6. It is possible that I flashed BYU not once, not twice, but three times this afternoon.
Me + wind + airy spring dress = mortification/bare legs/laughing boys
I might have threatened to charge them after the second time. I might have let a teensy bad word slip on the third. But, as Jennifer says, at least my underwear is cute, right?

7. My Surfer magazines have miraculously appeared in my mailbox (I think the mailman was stealing them) and I was more than disappointed to read about Taj getting slammed for his performance this year.

8. And last but not least, last night (technically this morning) someone's face got way too close to mine. Let's never do that again. Okay, Crazy?

1 comment:

  1. Tell spanky that the next time he gets too close to your face he can come talk to me...


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