Thursday, January 14


After yet another run in with someone about midwifery/natural childbirth, let me state my opinion and then I promise to leave it alone if you do.

I believe that my body was made to bear children. I do not believe that birth is a medical emergency, but a natural process that does not require labor management or intervention unless there is a medical reason to do so (aka unless there's something really wrong). The end.


  1. 100% agreed... I just think midwifery would be better all around. I went to the alternative for my first pregnancy even though I had already determined that I wanted to deliver naturally. After my miscarriage the doc told me it was necessary for me to have a D&C. When it came time for them to do the operation I had already passed the baby (sorry for the TMI.) So now I'm stuck paying for something I didn't need. I want to be treated like an individual instead of a patient. *whew* feel free to post more on the subject:)

  2. Yay Reyna! I am a convert to it after Josie's birth. We are planning a natural water birth in a birth center with a midwife. I have already gotten lots of crap about not choosing a hospital. I am very happy with my decision so far. Can't wait for you to have babies someday. Also, I totally never thought I would still be breastfeeding but here I am BF a toddler and preggo with a second. Tandem nursing? Not sure yet.....

  3. I think my first comment didn't make it so trying again. Sorry if it posts twice.
    Yay Reyna! I am a convert to it after Josie's birth. We are planning a natural water birth at a birth center with a midwife. I have already gotten crap about not choosing a hospital. I am happy with my decision though. Also, I never thought I would be preggo and still breastfeeding a toddler but here I am. Tandem nursing? Not sure yet.........I can't wait for you to have babies someday!!

  4. How will you know the emergency until you're in it? I like the birth center idea, to keep all your bases covered.

  5. I don't thimk you can ever leave that subject alone, it is built into you; already attached to your larynex!
    Keep preaching seester!

  6. HUGE AMEN!!! I mean, HUGE!!! You know how I feel though. We have talked about it. After one successful water birth in a hospital, I am kicking off my hospital shoes and going for the birthing center. Although the birth of Eve was really great...the care recieved at the hospital was at times, very annoying and ridiculous. I cannot wait for this next one!!! And yeah. I should become a doula so that when you have kids, I can attend the birth. amen.


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