Tuesday, February 17

Wanna Know a Secret?

I have secretly wanted a tattoo for a long time now. No, don't say gross. Not a Pooh Bear tattoo like the mom on John and Kate + 8 or a Snoopy tattoo like Mr. Riccardi or Sweet and Juicy like Kathy. Not in a weird place, like a rose on an ankle. Nothing intense like Angelina Jolie. No, I am talking about a rockin print that I could be proud of, that I could cover up when I wasn't, that had special meaning. A fabulous one like Jennifer Nettles or the Dixie Chicks. Why? Because let's face it, Johnny Depp wouldn't be as hot without his Captain Jack tattoo.


  1. You sound just like your mother.
    I honestly can say I don't think I wouldn't like Cap. Jack any less without his tatoo.
    And you do realize tatoos hurt right? You like pain?
    You should go talk to Mr. Groves up in North Fort Meyers before you go get drunk and stumble into a tatoo parlor.
    Kids these days!

    - Mindy in Ogden

  2. I say go for it.
    Er, I mean, tatoos are BAD.
    but oh so fun!


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