Tuesday, February 3

A Quick Update On My Day to Day Life

~Living in a desert has its perks: no humidity (a.k.a. no crazy hair), incredible landscapes, etc. But I am trying to decide if it's worth it. My feet are so dry that they are cracking. Cracking! And every day my hands get so cold and dry that my knuckles split. I was just looking at my hands and they hurt! I am tired of going to bed with Aquaphor and socks on, because I hate socks. The good thing is that I am drinking A TON of water because my throat is always dry. That's healthy, isn't it? But I decidedly need a pedicure, so if you know any good places in the area, let me know!

~I am coming along quite nicely in my Spanish. I even spoke to Tavi so convincingly on the phone that he started to babble baby Spanish at me. Of course, I was immediately lost.

~ Over the past month, I have read The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, Oedipus Rex, and several of Plato's and Aristotle's works. Twice. Once in two different classes.

~I sit next to a really cute boy in my Humanities 250 class. He is from Kissimmee. Yes!

~I am slowly getting used to soy yoghurt.

~My bangs are at the most awkward length in the world. Annoying! I keep debating whether or not to cut them again.

~I have revived my Superman backpack. I love him.

~I miss Dawna.

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